Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wet, Cold Start To The Day!

Well, today started off very wet and very cold!!  I was short on time this morning so decided to take the boys with me on my run.  We got to Caruth Park and I thought I would let them swim/play for a few minutes . . . little did I know that I would be swimming too.  While I was cleaning up after Patrick, I noticed that Max had jumped in the water . . . when I got back from the trash I could not spot him ANYWHERE! Several people heard me calling him and all came over to try and help - none of us could see him in the water.  My heart sank and I thought he must have hit a rock when he jumped in, or had sudden heart failure after running and hitting the cold water . . . etc.  As minutes past and nobody saw any sign of Max in the water the tears started coming and I jumped in frantically trying to search underwater for Max.  Besides being heart broken, I kept wondering how I was going to explain to Phil, Preston and Jessie that our beloved LABRADOR drowned in Caruth pond.  Seriously 10 minutes later while I was still completely submerged in the water, I felt a nudge and it was MAX!  Even the bystanders trying to help couldn't believe it. . . it was as if he was searching for food underwater for 10 minutes - (if it was possible - Max could do it).  For the first time, Max showed his age . . . I was overjoyed to see he was alive and well, but he could not pull himself out of the water.  After several attempts and some help from a nice woman, we were able to get him to solid ground.  It is a two shower day for me . . . . and Phil, Preston and Jessie are praying that no one around knew or recognized me.  As for Patrick - well he was sitting quietly on the bridge wondering what idiots would think about swimming in 40 degree temps. . . Life is Good.

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