Saturday, February 20, 2010


Well, I never understood people talking about post-pardom depression but I think I get it now . . . except mine is post-event depression.  We had such a fun, crazy week despite being in limbo about where we are going to live, etc. Preston turned 8 today and we have had one awesome 24 hour celebration.  B-Day party at Pump it up with both 2nd grade classes - girls and boys and then a boys slumber party and tp'ing the girls houses - we have arrived at a new stage in our life!  The house has been filled with noise and chaos but it was all wonderful.  In the midst of it all, we were rapidly trying to pack Phil for his trip to Haiti.  The last b-day guest left at 1:00 and then Mom, Dad, Phil, and me were stuffing bags and loading the car to take Phil to the airport.  He made it and is on his way to hopefully use all his training and knowledge to help.  As I am praying for his safety and the people he can help as well as thanking the Good Lord for 8 years with Preston, I am having a hard time with "quiet" in our house.  Looking forward to Tuesday when Phil returns with hopeful stories and the kids friends fill the house with laughter, burps, farting noises and fun . . . . Life is Good.   

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